Find Relief From Sleep Apnea in Bryan & Feel Well Rested Again

Are you tired of feeling tired? Sleep apnea can do more than just disrupt your sleep. It has the potential to interfere with many aspects of your life. Dr. Johnson can help, however. His treatment for sleep apnea in Bryan means you can:

  • Enjoy more restful sleep with a custom-fit oral device
  • Wake up feeling refreshed instead of groggy
  • Focus easier throughout your workday
  • Reduce your snoring
  • Help prevent serious health consequences down the road

Call us today at 979-279-8839 to get sleep apnea treatment. Our helpful team is centrally located at 3702 Coppercrest Drive, near Bryan and College Station, off University Drive East.

Rest Soundly Without a CPAP & Enjoy Better Health

Sleep apnea episodes can occur hundreds of times per night – and you most likely are not even aware of it! The word apnea comes from a Greek word that means “breathless” or “without breathing.” If you suffer from this condition, your tongue and soft tissues in the back of your throat relax and temporarily block your airway.

When your airway becomes obstructed, your brain will signal your body to wake up and take in more oxygen. After you do, you drift off to sleep again – until the next cycle of sleep apnea occurs. Because of this frequent lack of oxygen and resulting sleep deprivation, the condition is linked to serious health issues like diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes.

We offer sleep apnea treatment that not only minimizes these health risks but also reduces snoring. Our simple, custom-made oral appliance:

  • Fits comfortably in your mouth while you sleep
  • Adjusts your lower jaw slightly to help keep your airway open
  • Helps keep air from flowing past those soft tissues and causing you to snore

The result is that you’ll sleep better – and your household will, too! You will wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. Best of all, you won’t have to worry about using a bulky, noisy CPAP machine. While CPAP therapy is effective for sleep apnea symptoms, many patients have a hard time getting used to it. With our help, you can avoid a CPAP, sleep better, and feel better!

Call us today to schedule your appointment at 979-279-8839. You can also request an appointment online for a sleep apnea consultation or to discuss your symptoms at your upcoming checkup. Help for sleep apnea in Bryan is available from Dr. John A. Johnson Jr.