Enhance Your Smile With Custom Teeth Veneers

Dental veneers can completely re-create your smile. These thin shells of tooth-colored material bond to the front of your imperfect teeth to hide smile flaws and give you a bold new look. Few treatments can make such a dramatic improvement in your appearance as custom veneers can. At Johnson Dentistry, we offer two main types of teeth veneers:

  • Porcelain Veneers – As one of our most popular cosmetic treatments, porcelain veneers remain a tried-and-true option for many patients seeking aesthetic improvement. They are strong, durable, realistic, and stain-resistant. We offer a variety of shades, translucencies, and thicknesses to create the exact look you want.
  • Composite Veneers – For a less expensive, quicker veneers option, composite resin veneers will do the trick. Dr. Johnson can make these right in our office using the same material that we use for our composite teeth fillings. At about half the investment of porcelain veneers, they are a great alternative.

Enjoy a Simple Process to Brighten Your Smile

Your veneers treatment will be a straightforward process, beginning with a consultation and exam:

  • To ensure you’re a good candidate, Dr. Johnson will carefully examine your mouth. We’ll take a few digital X-rays to get a closer look at your teeth, roots, and nerves.
  • He will then discuss your treatment options in detail and help you decide which one will work best for your circumstances.
  • For most veneers, we will need to remove a small amount of tooth enamel to make room for them. The exact amount will vary based on your teeth and the types of veneers used.
  • We will then take impressions of your mouth so that your new veneers can be custom-crafted for you.

If you are getting porcelain veneers, we will send the impressions to our lab partner to create your custom veneers to exact specifications. Once they are ready, usually a few days later, you’ll return to our office for Dr. Johnson to bond them into place. For composite veneers, depending on the complexity of your treatment, Dr. Johnson may be able to place them the same day.

Choose Bryan dental veneers to revamp your smile! Call us today at 979-279-8839 to schedule your consultation. You can also request an appointment online. You can ask for a before-and-after photo at no additional charge that will show you what’s possible for your smile!