Our Team Will Help Keep Your Mouth Healthy

Thanks to Dr. Johnson’s decades of experience, we offer several types of oral surgery. Chances are you won’t have to be referred to another office. Following your surgical procedure, Dr. Johnson may use platelet rich plasma (PRP) to help speed natural healing and make your recovery more comfortable. Procedures available here include:

  • Teeth Extractions – We’ll always try to save your diseased or damaged tooth if possible. But if removal is necessary, we’ll do it quickly and efficiently. If we’re unable to perform your extraction, we’ll refer you to a trusted dental professional who can. After your extraction, we can perform an extraction site preservation to help maintain the teeth and gums surrounding the empty space until your tooth can be replaced.
  • Wisdom Teeth Removal – Often these third molars need removal to prevent damage to your other teeth and your gums.
  • Gum Grafts – To restore gum tissue or improve the appearance of your gumline, we will carefully place gum tissue where needed. The tissue may come from either the roof of your mouth or from a tissue bank.
  • Bone Grafts – If your jawbone isn’t strong enough or thick enough to support dental implants, we can add bone material to stimulate the growth of new bone cells. Usually bone tissue taken from another part of your body works best, although synthetic bone material can also be used.
  • Osseous Grafts – Dr. Johnson uses a technique called guided tissue regeneration that encourages your body to form new gum or bone tissue to replace lost tissue.

For gentle, reliable oral surgery in Bryan, count on Johnson Dentistry. Call us today to schedule your appointment: 979-279-8839. You can also request an appointment online.