Smile Proudly With Your Choice of Whitening Options

A white smile can be a real game-changer for your life. Imagine yourself at a get-together or a meeting and flashing everyone a brilliant, beautiful smile! At Johnson Dentistry, we offer you two great ways to whiten your teeth and create your new smile. You can even request a before-and-after photo at no additional charge that will show you what’s possible for your smile.

Here are your two whitening options:

  • In-Office Zoom Whitening – For the fastest, most dramatic results, choose the Zoom whitening system. This time-tested treatment can whiten your teeth up to eight shades in only 45 minutes. We’ll apply Zoom’s concentrated gel to your teeth, then use a special LED lamp to accelerate the whitening process. You’ll walk out with a beautiful new smile!
  • At-Home Whitening – If you’d rather take your time and whiten your teeth gradually at your own convenience, we also offer treatment at home. We’ll provide you trays and a whitening agent you can use whenever you want – even while reading or watching TV in your favorite chair. Our at-home whitening treatment offers you faster, safer results than over-the-counter whitening kits or strips.

With either whitening treatment, you’ll always have our staff handy if you have any questions.

Call Johnson Dentistry today at 979-279-8839 to get started on your teeth whitening in Bryan. You can also request an appointment online. We can’t wait to help you get the smile of your dreams!